Navigating the Intersection of Mobility and Law

Offering Unparalleled Litigation and Risk Consulting Services

With combined decades of experience in the mobility, technology, manufacturing, and insurance sectors, we are dedicated to helping our clients anticipate and manage traditional legal risks as well as new and novel risks presented by emerging technologies.

Why Mobility?

There is no denying that automation is the future of automotive. As the number of vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) grows, so too does the volume of available data, along with the importance of that data in the liability analysis. When an automated or autonomous vehicle is involved in an accident, how is liability assigned, and how does the data factor in?

  • Who is to blame—the drivers, the car, or a combination?

  • Is objective vehicle data available and what does it tell us?

  • Is insurance implicated, and does the policy language or underwriting anticipate accidents involving ADAS?

  • What does a claim—either insurance or litigation—look like?

At Nelson Law, we help our clients address these and other challenging questions.


Emerging technologies offer unique challenges. 
We are ready to confront them with you.


New York, NY

Washington, DC

Cleveland, OH